One dedicated circuit for each mono block?

If I have a dedicated 20 amp Circuit is that ok for two monoblocs? I read that a separate dedicated line is better for each amplifier. So the outlet can't have two plugs but it's better to not use one of the two plugs when connecting a mono block?

I have a transparent Power isolator which I know use to plug amps into.

So maybe a dedicated circuit can be used to plug amps directly into and then have Power isolator connected to a separate Circuit for everything else.

I am trying to evaluate the merits and to need for getting a second dedicated line while installing the first.


My power company has agreed to a compromise. I live right behind a transmission wire tower. I can have two wires coming off the towers into my backyard Connect directly to an added panel. They don't even use a meter for this it's all free. I guess getting cancer from all the electrical waves is the offset and I can live with that. At least for a while

If you’re ecologically conscious, here’s another thought. 

Build two solar panel arrays in your back yard. Couple them directly to each monobloc. I think that’s as pure as it gets. 

An alternative would be to construct two of those big windmill thingies. You may have a lot of dead birds falling into your backyard, though, which, besides the “eek!” factor is also a health issue, so this is not quite as ecologically sound as the solar option.