CD Cases / Furniture Recommendations?

I have a collection of 1,000 CDs that are currently on shelves, simply stacked vertically (on their short sides). Can anyone recommend a good solution to hold and organize these? What has worked for you?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xamansker
Check out for furniture quality cabinets for your CD collections. Not the largest, but great quality. I have B-300 that holds much of my CD & DVD-R collections and will likely buy another in a year or so.

I bought a CD shelf kit from Amazon that holds about 900 disks. I’d show a link, but they don’t seem to carry it anymore. Sorry.

You can also look at garage sales.  People are getting rid of CD’d and racks CHEAP! Last year I went to a garage sale and bought just under 1100 CD’s for $150. The guy was thrilled. I kept about 100 and gave the rest away.