802 D3 vs 803 D3 vs Sopra 3 vs Sopra 2

I'm looking to replace my 15yo Nautilus 804 speakers that have been dedicated to my home theater setup until this last year when I started getting in to 2 channel HiFi.  Now the 804's are being shared using passthru mode.  

So, now I'm looking for a pair of speakers just to dedicate to HiFi.  The room I'm using is about 21 x 25 with about a 18 foot ceiling.  When I started the search I was primarily thinking about the 803 D3 or the Sopra 2s.  But now I'm thinking I should really be thinking about the 803 or Sopra 3 since my room is so large. I've auditioned both the 803 and Sopra 2 and think I like the Sopra 2 a little better but not by much.  My local Magnolia dealer has given me a pretty good price on the 802 so not sure what direction I'm going to end up going.  What ever I end up with is going to be driven by my MA5300 until I can spring for the MC462 in 2 or 3 months.  

I'm hoping that some of you that are familiar with both the B&W and Focals can help give me some insight here.  I need to make a decision fairly soon before the wife changes her mind.  :)

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On an overall balance, these are bright-ish speakers.  In too big a room you may find that neither has enough bass without help.

Also, the Sopras have a significant impedance dip, like so many other Focals, at 100Hz.  They really do need a stiff amp to sound at their best.  If you go this route, avoid too much toe-in.  Focals tend to sound smoother and image better pointed way behind your head.  B&W's on the other hand like you to be below the tweet.