Has anyone ever tried cables made with OCC (Ohno Continuous Cast) Copper?

I know cables made with OCC (Ohno Continuous Cast) Copper are manufactured by a few cable makers, some super expensive (neotechcable.com/) and some moderate.  Some sell bulk cable.
I'm looking at some from Ramm Audio, http://aecoustics.com.

In theory, it seems they should be better sounding.  Anyone have any experience with these?

@mbolek Thank You for informing me.

This one will be of real interest; I have others who were introduced to PC Triple C through me directly as a result of loaned Cables for Demonstration and also via me due to impressions made and shared from demonstrations given.

The reports are quite impressive from those who I do not know.

I or nobody else I am aware of has reverted back to a previous used Wire in a Cable.

As said one individual even cannibalized a Cable and used the PC Triple C Wire to produce Tonearm Wand Wires

As the XLR is in theory a Low Eddy Connection and the PC Triple C is a Cable that can really impress, I look very forward to the update on the Helix Thread.

When the Speaker Wire was used there was a need to burn in, which took about an hour, something happened, in that time and the A/B to the older cable in use was quite something, the Triple C superseded it without any reservation.

I am not familiar with a XLR Configuration, there might be a need to give it a Burn In Period as I had with the Speaker Cable.  

Interesting thing about cables- you wouldn't think they could make a difference, but they do. A substantial difference in some instances. YMMV.

@dougthebiker - OCC copper (or the various other variants along the same lines) make a significant difference over OFC copper - mainly in the area of dynamic performance.

Clarity, Details and Tonal Neutrality are closely tied to the cable geometry and the insulations used

  • a good cable geometry will lower the noise floor in a cable
  • an effective insulation also lowers the noise floor
  • the result of these two aspects result in improved clarity and details that ultimately result in a more spacious and detailed image

If you want to understand more about these aspects take a look at this link

The Ultimate Helix IMAGE "Air" - With a little help from my friends | My Audio Alchemy (image99.net)

If you have any questions just ask

If you are not into DIY, then I would give a +1 to Zavfino products as posted above.

  • they use OCC copper and OCC silver
  • they employ and advance geometry and advanced insulations
  • they have a range of products that are affordable

Happy to Help - Steve


neotech still uses the original OCC process to make single crystal wire they were one of the three original companies to get the licensing, they are now producing something even better and that's rectangular OCC single crystal wire which is superior to the round OCC, the reference line consists of the Amazon which is their silver rectangular OCC wire and the Sahara which is their copper rectangular silver wire I've got the Sahara speaker wire and interconnects and I can tell you it was much better than my Harmonic technology top of the line interconnects and speaker wire using round o c c. not cheap but well worth it these cables will definitely go up against $18,000 wire and beat them.


and just for your information the ducc conductor is not as good as single Crystal OCC it's one or two steps below still very good wire but OCC single crystal is still the best conductor for audio.