@dougthebiker - OCC copper (or the various other variants along the same lines) make a significant difference over OFC copper - mainly in the area of dynamic performance.
Clarity, Details and Tonal Neutrality are closely tied to the cable geometry and the insulations used
- a good cable geometry will lower the noise floor in a cable
- an effective insulation also lowers the noise floor
- the result of these two aspects result in improved clarity and details that ultimately result in a more spacious and detailed image
If you want to understand more about these aspects take a look at this link
The Ultimate Helix IMAGE "Air" - With a little help from my friends | My Audio Alchemy (image99.net)
If you have any questions just ask
If you are not into DIY, then I would give a +1 to Zavfino products as posted above.
- they use OCC copper and OCC silver
- they employ and advance geometry and advanced insulations
- they have a range of products that are affordable
Happy to Help - Steve