Streamers and their Fuses

I purchased the Aurender W20SE back in August and ran it on the stock 5 cent generic 2 amp 5mmx20mm slow burn fuse in it’s FURUTECH FI-03 Rhodium plated IEC Inlet. It sounds amazing in stock form the last 3 months… But 3 weeks ago I decided to upgrade the fuse in the W20SE to the Magic Audio Masterpiece M-1. The difference is not subtle. It feels like the potential of the streamer is unlocked, the detail, clarity and richness of tonal transparency is entirely transformed. My goal in HiFi is always holographic imaging of accurate instrument separation, this was improved as well. It is such a startling discovery I cannot listen to my Jay’s Audio MK3-CDT3 CD transport anymore, whereas before the fuse upgrade the CD transport was clearly the higher quality sound reproduction.


Anyone else experienced shocking results from upgrading their streamer’s fuse? I’d love to hear your feedback. All I can say is after burning this Audio Magic m-1 masterpiece in for a week it’s the only fuse I’ll put in my HiFi gear from now on. The purple fuse from Synergistic Research was my previous go to, but the audio magic m-1 is far superior in every possible way imho. 😉


Up until las year, I was very skeptical of fuses or any other tweaks with the exception of cabling. A fellow audiophile convinced me to try the SR Purple fuse on my Innuos Zenith MK3 streamer. It was around $200 with a decent return policy, so I figured why not try it. I have to say it was the best $200 I have spent in this hobby. The improvement was unmistakable -- it was as if a veil was lifted. I was getting better separation, more air, more oomph, and just a sense of bigger scale. It just expanded the soundstage in all directions. It doesn't make sense that a tiny fuse in the streamer can make this kind of an impact. But it did! 

For those of you with Innuos streamers here is some information on fuses and Innuos recommendations on size and directionality.

@arafiq thanks for your feedback.

Replacing the fuse on Innuos products – Innuos – High-Fidelity Digital Music Servers and Streamers

 @jerryg123  I've a large powerful system that to most does not get any better. Well engineered, electrified, modified, pretty to boot, and at 1800lbs we're done. There is no '0' hum or noise at any point, I do not recommend looking for non existing problems, nor market scam band-aid repairs for such. The science is there for just about anything or topic, and a person can, should, believe what they hear IMO. So there it is, should I choose to laugh I will...perhaps privately. Remember You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. 

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