Would silver cables beat UP-OCC copper?

All things considered, which is the better choice for best sound, silver (for example, Siltech) or UP-OCC copper, such as Furutech or Neotech? Thanks.


depends what kind of silver Dave OCC single Crystal silver will be a little bit better in the highs than OCC single Crystal copper but now there's something even better it's rectangular OCC single crystal wire, Neotech is the only company that makes it,

the Sahara is there rectangular copper OCC wire and the Amazon is there rectangular silver OCC wire check out their website, I compared it to the round OCC and the rectangular is much better I'm hearing stuff deeper into the sun stage which I wasn't hearing before and everything is much clearer faster black or background when you try this you won't go back to anything else.


OCC single crystal is far superior to regular silver cable but OCC single Crystal silver is even better and now there's something even better and that's rectangular OCC copper and silver, neotech is the only company that makes it, the Sahara is the rectangular copper OCC wire and the Amazon is the rectangular silver OCC wire, even better than the round OCC that I had prior check it out on the neotech website.

I made my own solid silver ICs fom components at Parts Connection and I promptly got rid of all my Wireworld Eclipse ICs.  Never looked backnor played around again.

Please share Erik- solid silver in Teflon tubes, VH Audio’s silver wrapped around a core, Williewonka’s recipe, or something else?  What gauge wire?

I dunno, this silver vs. copper and stranded vs. rectangular/solid gore thing seems a lot like different DAC chips and R2R as they’re implemented in DACs.  The wire is only one component in cables as the DAC architecture is in any DAC, and how everything is implemented around it can be as much if not more impactful than the choice of wire used.  I’ve got Acoustic Zen Silver Ref interconnects and for all the world they blend the best of silver and copper ICs.  I’ve had copper ICs that sounded more shrill, and I’ve had silver ICs that’ve sounded more mellow.  As with many things in audio, it’s more about the total implementation than any single component.  Just my take and experience FWIW.