Qln, Joseph Audio, Audiovector, Marten, or Canton...?

I am looking to upgrade my speakers. My amp is an NAD M10 with Dirac Live room correction, so bass response is adjustable to an extent.

For domestic tranquility they must be relatively compact with a wood finish. Floorstanders, not standmount. Budget of up to $15k-ish, but less is better.

My list consists of the following:

  • Qln Prestige 3
  • Joseph Audio Perspective 2
  • Audiovector R3 Arrete
  • Marten Oscar Duo
  • Canton Reference 7K

Any and all impressions of these speakers, particularly any comparisons between them, are very much welcome. Thank you!

Post removed 

Quick update from my search: I spent an hour on the phone with Jeff Joseph and my local dealer talking about both the Perspectives and the Pearls. I had previously shared details on my other gear and the type of music I favor. We actually spent a fair amount of time going over photos of my room and some options for getting the best out of either model. I will be listening to the Perspectives later this week and am waiting to hear about options for hearing the Pearls. 

All in all, this has been a positive experience thus far. More details after my first listen. 


That's great to hear!  I look forward to your report on your listening!

I'm sending my original Perspectives out this week for the graphene upgrade.

I've never heard anyone with a bad word to say about the Perspectives. 

But of course there is lots of competition.   You can get bigger speakers, bigger sound or other qualities.  I think the thing with the Joseph speakers is that they do have a particular sound - accurate, yet so smooth - and if it grabs you it grabs you, and one is willing to give up other attributes you might get in other speakers.  Though another thing going for the Perspectives is they are well balanced in their properties so it's not like "oh, I have to put up with this aspect, which sucks..."

Best of luck!

@prof -- thanks for the reply!  Your original research thread and your decision actually came up on my call with Jeff and he mentioned that you were going for the upgrade. Small world indeed.