Stereo cartrdge now playing mono!!

My Hana SL (after a move to a new house only gives me mono! I have double checked the phono equalizer and connecting pins. At present I am just listening off the phono equalizer which reproduces normal stereo with another source.Any ideas? 

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The Decca London had a top that could be removed by sliding it off the cartridge body.  Then you had access to a platform that fixed the position of two of the coils using two set screws that if re-set in unison could move the platform up or down.  By pure ignorance, I and a friend converted our stereo Decca London cartridges to mono, simply by maladjustment of that platform.  No modern cartridge that I know about would by its construction permit the user to do such a thing.  Funnily, both of us thought we had improved the sound, until we each separately realized what we had wrought.

If you have a multimeter check the two hot leads on the cartridge to make sure they are not shorted!

Thanks, I know that it sounds crazy but I solved the situation by swopping the red and green leads. It then gave me stereo with a hum. I sent it back.

@lewm , isn't that something. I can't count the number of times I did something thinking it sounded better only to realize it did not. Expectation bias?

OP, you need to try another cartridge. If it works fine the Hana has shorted out. Please check the cartridge pins again. Are the Hana's color coded. Make absolutely sure beyond a shadow of doubt that you have it hooked up correctly. If the Hana's pins are not color coded it is very easy to make a mistake.