Which DACs are known to be sweet/rich/relaxed?

System is nicely transparant and detailed, but tends to get bright and harsh with certain (rock) recordings and at higher volume levels.

Nudge the system towards a sweeter, richer, more relaxed presentation.

Proposed solution / first step
Upgrade to a (tube based) DAC, budget $25-40k.

Current chain

  • ROON Nucleus
  • Mola Mola Tambaqui
  • Gryphon Essence pre amp
  • Gryphon Essence monoblocks
  • Focal Stella Utopia EVO
  • Full loom of Triode Wire Labs cables
  • Dedicated power line straight into Puritan PSM156 mains filter
  • System resides in the living room with some diffusors but no absorption other than sofas, chairs, and some rugs.

On my radar
Lampizator Pacific (or Golden Gate 2 since I heard it's more "tube-like")
Aries Cerat Kassandra 2 Ref or Sig

— What other DACs should I consider?
— Do you think upgrading to another (tube based) DAC will achieve that sweeter, richer, more relaxed presentation?


@eagle3333 earlier in this thread I wrote how room acoustics solved the entire problem. It’s no longer bright/harsh at louder volumes. Adding enough absorption did the trick.

I received my Boulder 3010 and 3060 and they’re amazing.

I’ve also upgraded my Roon Nucleus to a Grimm Audio MU1. And I have a Lampizator Horizon on the way to replace my Mola Mola Tambaqui.

@gryphongryph I managed to solve the issue by adding absorption to the room. I had too much echo in the room, which made it sound bright, harsh and messy at high volumes. All good now :)

@robert1976 :

received my Boulder 3010 and 3060 and they’re amazing.

I’ve also upgraded my Roon Nucleus to a Grimm Audio MU1. And I have a Lampizator Horizon on the way to replace my Mola Mola Tambaqui.

Holy schiit! Lots of changes since last time you posted here. You don’t fool around 


OP on a lesser system, I was dealing with the same issue. My solution was a new DAC (Weiss 501) plus using a fiber connection between the Roon core and DAC. The DAC and fiber immediately took the digital edge off the music.

Not sure if this is the case for you or not, but my glare was only present through my digital source—not my turntable—which led me down my path.

I also have a tube pre-amp; tube rolling offers a lot of possibilities to tune the sound.

And most of my ‘80s rock alway sounds horrible!