When is the golden age of high-end audio?

When is the golden age of high-end audio? When and where is the exaltation of music by the component and the component by the sound, the exaltation of buying and consumption through the sumptuary spending of high-end production? Whatever the subjugation of high-end audio to the management of capital (but this aspect of the question--that of the social and economic impact of high-end audio--always remains unresolved and fundamentally insoluble), high-end audio always had a more than subjugated function, it was a microphone held out to the universe of great music, great orchestras, great conductors, it was for a moment their glorious imaginary, that of a technical one, but an expanding one. But the universe of high-end audio is no longer this one: now it is a world that is both saturated and involuted. At some point, high-end audio lost both its triumphal imaginary and, from being in some sense a glorious microphone and playback device, it passed in some sense to the stage of mourning.
There is no longer a golden age of high-end audio: there is only its obscene and empty form. And high-end audio advertising and marketing is the illustration of this saturated and empty form.
Gone is the happy and displayed high-end component, now that it is suddenly like a man who has lost its shadow. Thus the high-end store these days closely resembles a funeral home--with the funereal luxury of the component buried, transparent in a black light, like a sarcophagus. Everything is sepulchral--white, bnlack, salmon, marble. Built like a tank--in deep, snobbish, dull black. Total absence of colors.
So, I ask you, when and where was the golden age of high-end audio. What individual component, in your opinion, is the testimony of a triumphant artistic-technical industry that was at its apogee? Why not save this golden age from decomposition? Later the historians and maybe our grandchildren will rediscover it, at the same time that they discover a culture that chose to bury it in order to definitively sell its soul to the devil, to bury its seduction and its artifices as if it were already consecrating them to another world.

One of my friends who is audiophiles told me the time before Atomic bomb put in test all around the world , the materials is different from thatafter. Why we need choose NOS tube before 50’ , it is the reason. He is very much sure about it although I am not sure. The material thereafter is conteninated and we can’t go  back.


For Pete's sake, it is just a Stereo. A collection of minerals and wood. Then there is the business end. Is there an age when humans did not use any method open to them to extract money from other people? I think not. The beauty inherent in music is an entirely separate issue, it is ageless. The quality of sound reproduction systems has steadily advanced. Todays great systems are vastly superior to the systems we had in the 60's and they continue to improve. The availability of music has also increased by an order of magnitude. We should be celebrating all of this. 

My advice is; stop wining.