Has anyone listened to or auditioned Verity's new Arindale speaker ?

Hello Audiogon members - I hope all is well and just wondering if any of you have listened to this speaker. This replaced the Amadis S in their speaker line and would welcome any comments on who has actually listened to this speaker. Thank you in advance.      


@mijostyn Verity makes some of the best speakers I’ve ever heard and make plenty of models that do not have “luxury” prices and are very competitive with other more well-known brands.  That they’re easy to drive and tube friendly adds even more to their value relative to most other high-end speakers.  Calling Verity speakers “severely overpriced” only tells me only that you haven’t heard them. 

A timely question. I’m curious about the Arindal, too. Very little on the web about this speaker. The Otello, with its more manageable price, is also on my radar. Never heard either one, unfortunately. But their beauty, reputation for sound, and tube-friendliness have me interested.

....thanks SOIX and regret that members feel a need to answer posts such I have  here and do NOT answer the one and only question that I had asked. However, but I expect that now and expensive relative to what ???....did you take a look at Magico's pricing lately ? I am not a fan of the Magico sound nor speakers that are made of concrete, aluminum etc. I digress and now I am off my own path and not true on the construction of the Verity WOOD enclosures. 

Thank you wrm57 as I am looking into them as well or the models below as I have  listened  to the Amadis S and with a 60 watt Class A  Accuphase amp the A-75 it would seem on paper to be a good match. They were one of the more musical speakers I have heard.        .  

OP …have not heard the model you speak of…but every time i have heard Verity they established an intimate emotional connection to music… Best to you on your quest !


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