Speaker Placement and Toe-In

I just spent hours moving my Sopra 2’s with them sitting on the Townshend’s podiums #3. I kept intense measurements. My speakers are 115" from the woofer center to the other speaker woofer. I am sitting at that same distance from the L&R speakers’ middle centerline. They are 37" from the sidewalls to the sidewalls of the speaker.

I used one of those air bladder wedges that are used for lifting car doors and lifted each leg individually of the Townshend podium just enough to slide a furniture mover/disc under each leg.

What I found is that I prefer no Toe-In. That is, I prefer the speakers straight out into the room.

At least at this moment I am content.



+1 @ozzy 

Once you get it locked in, it really creates a very satisfying sound. You never know how good your system can sound until you find that spot, as frustrating as that project is. 👍...


Anyone bought Paul McGowan’s new book, “The Audiophile’s Guide: The Loudspeaker?” I recently purchased it with the SACD.  Not a bad read and if anything it refreshes what most of us probably already know. Haven’t messed with it yet but I’m going to start from scratch and follow Paul’s thorough instruction with the disc to hear what happens. I’ll tape off where my speakers are currently to compare. My equipment is all between my speakers, which Paul does not recommend, so I’m going to move it off to the side but keep my amps, on their stands, in the middle but back closer to the front wall. We’ll see…

I typically have very little toe-in if any. Trick is I think if your speakers are not too far apart to run them with little or no-toe in which the stage should appear to extend beyond the speakers and even the width of the room; speakers farther apart, closer to sidewalls then the stage narrows. 

There is one missing pioce of info on this thread that affects toe in or no toe in: the off axis reposnse of the speaker itself. If the dispersion is very consistent, across the midrange and tweeter, you can live with less toe in as the off axis sounds pretty much like on axis. But if it varies significantly, say a bullet tweeter and cone midrange, the dispersion varies greatly and this doesnt work especially off axis. The test is pink noise: sit diretly in front and then move off to the side. DIfferent? Or not?

Someone mentioned vertical dispersion and this is important too. You must be on axis with this as the combined output of the tweeter and mid at crossover narrows the vertical dispersion quite a bit.

This horizontal off axis has one other important affect, reflections. If the reflections have a different response than direct/on axis, it can be a mess for imaging. When these on axis ouput and off axis reflections combine you get weird cancellations and the image suffers.
