Speakers for Bryson 4B sst2

Am looking a speaker to match with my Bryston 4B sst2 and 26 pre amp? Have auditioned the Wilson Sophia 3 and focal 1038? Any other recommendations in the $10 to $20k range?

Bryston and PMC have a long history together. I run PMC IB2i with the big Bryston monoblocks (using a tube preamp) and I'm very pleased with the combo. They need to be tri-wired, though, for best results.
Bryston has a line of speakers too. never heard them or heard from anyone else that has.
I use JBL S4700s with the Bryston 4BSST amp. The JBLs are $15000 list price.
I had a new 4B-ST that I bought in Montreal for about a year driving a pair of used Thiel CS7s and, though the combination worked very well, on some recordings with a lot of bass, I could get the amp to start lighting the clip LEDs at not very high volumes. Moving to 7B-STs solved that problem. Then again, the 7s are about as tough to drive properly as anything out there. As long as your speakers don't dip below 4 Ohms at a minimum impedance (CS 7s went down to 2.3 Ohms as I recall), you'll be fine.
Update to my initial posting:

I went with Wilson sasha 1s. And the Bryston amp is a very nice match.
Love the system...sit for hours playing music over and over.