Purchasing barely used NAD gear

I have the option to purchase some used NAD gear.   $575 Lightly used and hasn't been used in 25 years.  What kind of issues might I expect to encounter with gear this age.  It looks brand new.   I'm not as tech savvy as some of you fine folks! Stereo Preamplifier 1155, Stereo Power Amplifier 2200 Power Envelope, Stereo Tuner 4130


remember some parts age with time,not usage...in fact some believe usage helps these parts to last longer...

@jl35 that seems to be the consensus from what I've been reading.  I would be using the amp to drive some DQ 10's. I know the amp has the dynamic power. I'd be worried the amp would probably go toasted since the 10's are not an easy load for many amps.  25 years is a long rest LoL

My 2005-2010 NAD gear had horrible reliability, acknowledged by NAD Service. My 1980’s NAD were quite durable. I think their reliability is by era’s. Not sure about current stuff but I’m hesitant to purchase again 

     Keep in mind: there are numerous aluminum electrolytic capacitors throughout the circuits of all of those NAD components.   NOT just in the power amp's power supply.

     All are subject to electrolyte drying out (after a couple decades, used or not) and causing diminished performance, if not outright failure.

      The same holds true of virtually any vintage audio gear that employs, "wet" electrolytics.