If there was only ONE album/cd/release you can listen to, over and over.............

Your " best ever " recording, which has likely been discussed ad nauseam, would you select, say, if given a choice of only one ( whatever the scenario would be; stranded on an island, locked up in isolation, all music gone, but this one ). As hard as this is, as there are so many to choose from, I have selected " A Tribute To Jack Johnson ", by the esteemed Miles Davis ( 1992 Columbia version ). I have selected this, specifically for the performances, as I do with all of my listening. The playing.....the musicianship.....the arrangement.....the story, set to music, by the esteemed M.D.. And, my system delivers the message, so I feel proud of my set up. What can I say ? I hope everyone well, and, ENJOY ! Always, MrD.


For me, it can only be...

Santana Abraxas, the original Columbia pressing.

Also for those expressing concern about something being their only choice, the OP did not state that it would be playing constantly. Only that it would be the only recording you had available. Big difference to me anyways...

Happy listening.

What a demented and cruel thought experiment.  If the apocalypse comes and I con only save one it would have to be Steely Dan Gaucho. 

Hopefully I could find Dekay and listen to Quadrophenia again. 

It's always changing.I'm always looking for something different. Right now it's Texas,the album is called ''Hi'' .


I've got a copy of the Gold CD but the 2003 Blonde on Blonde is quite good too.



Better would be picking 12-14 individual songs to make one "album" of favs that would be more listenable over time.


Yes, this is what I usually do.

There aren't many albums I can sit through in one listen more than a couple of times. Probably no more than 10 - 12 that never get stale.


Seeing DSOTM mentioned so many times on this thread makes me want to give it another spin.


I could go with almost every single album(s) mentioned here but, on reflection, I find myself playing Linda Ronstadt’s Heart Like a Wheel when I can think of nothing else to choose. It’s compact, well recorded, and I saw her on tour after it’s release.

let me confirm: there is no studio trickery used to give her voice that “wall of sound”….she did it onstage in a cow barn in Mississippi.