B & W Matrix 801 S3 and tube amplifier

I cannot find an impedance graph for B & W 801 S3.. The manufacturer states min impedance of 4 ohm and recommends amp of at least 50W. I am wondering if a 60W tube amp such as Conrad Johnson MV 60 or Premier 11A would do the job for mostly low level listening in a small-mid size room. Does anybody have experience with similar combination ? Would ss Conrad Johnson amp be a much better match ?
I use 801 s3 with tube amps. They really like high wattage, High current amps that cost big money. Getting those speakers to perform well has cost me a lot but it was worth every penny.
thanks for the comments .. 60-70W tube will not do it .. The most expensive tube amp I can afford would be Audio Research VT 100 MK II or III .. But based on the responses even 100W of tube power will not be sufficient(anybody tried this combo?). Since I have Conrad Johnson PV 12 pre-amp I would consider MF 2500A. I also like Simaudio and would consider W5.. Does anybody have experience with MF 2500A or W5 with 801 S3 ? Any other good suggestion under $2500.00 to be inserted between CJ PV 12 and B&W 801 S3 ?
Parasound Halo JC1's if you can find a deal on a used pair.
The A21 if you can't.
At your price range you need class D powerful amp such as Red Dragon or Wyred4sound.
I recommend Mark Levinson for the 801 series 3. You should be able to pick up a 23 or 23.5 in your price range. If you go with Levinson you will want to sell your CJ preamp and look for a Levinson preamp.