No one has taken you up on the Ortofon Cadenza Bronze, I see. I believe it it described by Ortofon as the successor to the Kontrapunkt C, which I know and love. The Black is supposed to be equivalent to the old Jubilee. If that is true, the Bronze is worth a listen.
I have not heard the Paua, but have a Sussurro MkII. It's a workmanlike cartridge, plays music and doesn't inspire me to switch on my amps. The Grado Statement 3 is rather similar, polite and accurate. We pay all sorts of lip service to components that 'have no sound of their own' - that do not colour the sound (though that quality does sound less attractive if we describe it as 'colourless'!) But when I play a disk with either the London Reference or the Kontrapunkt C, I know I won't stop at one record. I'll be excitedly pulling them off the shelves and finding it hard to stop even though bedtime has long gone. Is that because they are 'colourful' - that they add something attractive and addictive to the sound, or is it that they just get something right that fools me into feeling it is like live music? I don't know, but they reliably do it for me.