Linear Power Supply & USB devices

Streamer=RPI4, Allo DigiOne

DAC = Khadas Toneboard V1 

Bottlehead Crack Headphone Amp (fully upgraded) w/ Sennheiser HD 600

On a whim, I added a LPS to the RPI/Allo setup and was pleasantly surprised by the result.  It wasn't a huge difference, but well worth the $55 (used) I paid.  It's rated at 5v 3A which is perfect for a Raspberry PI && Allo DigiOne Hat.  

The Toneboard DAC is being powered by one of the USB ports on the RPi.  Will the LPS provide any benefit to the DAC being plugged into the RPI?



Welll, @shkong78 I exaggerated.  I have ordered it and paid for it but haven't recieved it yet. 

I feel like I've been silly to buy the Farad PSU for the DAVE and left the M-Scaler on the switching power supply.  I expect it will be noticable.  I'll let you know when I get it.


@carlsbad - Yep, so the Shanti LPS has 2 outs - are you using the 'signature' version setup with clean/dirty side power?  That's probably the next step for me when I order another one for my 2nd system.  Very mistakenly, I ordered the DigiOne w/o the signature board - big mistake.   Anyway, live and learn.  

I have the digi one running off of the RPI4 setup all being powered by the LPS.  From the USB out of the RPI, i'm running the toneboard DAC.  

Do you think the DAC is receiving the benefits of the LPS with power being delivered though the RPI USB?