Amazon music vs Qobuz

I’m currently using Qobuz for streaming music. Amazon music is considerably less than Qobuz but I’m wondering what the differences are. Amazon goes on and on about commercial free music. Which makes me wonder how much is commercial free. Qobuz is 100% commercial free. 


I have used Amazon HD through WiFi on a Bluesound Node 2i and an Auralic Aries G1 for a couple years now and have been completely satisfied with the sound quality and their vast catalog. I can't comment on Qobuz as I have not compared the two.

I occasionally stream through Airplay but find the sound to be improved streaming directly to the devises through WiFI using the devise apps and not the Amazon app. The Amazon app is fine and actually better than the Bluesound app but you are limited to Airplay.  I believe Airplay is limited to 24/48 Res where through WiFi you get the full 24/192 resolution. Also, I find the Auralic Lightning DS app superior to the Bluesound app and it interfaces to Amazon HD perfectly. 

I use Amazon HD via a Node 2i with a wired network connection.  I recently got an outboard DAC which I think improved the quality.  I've tried Qobuz several times when they had deals.  The sound quality on both is excellent especially with well mastered hi-res recordings.  

Now, I don't obsess over the sound quality because most of the time I use streaming is for background music and when I'm checking out new stuff.  Most of my real listening is done on vinyl.

But, Qobuz drops out several times a day when I used it, only for a couple of seconds, but it's really annoying.  In the 3+ years I've been using Amazon Unlimited,  I've maybe had 2 dropouts in that entire time.  That, and the lower cost of Amazon for me (we have Prime), and there hasn't been a real reason to switch.

I'll probably try Qobuz again, they have a month free deal going on now.  Maybe they've improved the service since last time I tried it.

@tgilb Steve Stone did a comparison of several streaming services I think on The Absolute Sound a couple years ago and found Amazon to be sub par compared to Qobuz and others.  I prefer the AMZN interface, but as sound quality is my priority I stick with Qobuz.  I’d suggest doing a free trial and see what you think. Lots of hi-res stuff along with CD-quality content. 


Thanks for referencing the AS review. I’ll check it out and have thought about giving Qobuz a try with their free trial as you stated to see if I can even notice the difference in SQ. Not sure if my ears are that refined.

With that said I have never really thought the quality on Amazon was lacking and have a number of times compared its sound to CD’s and LP’s. Also, when I have the time to sit down for a serious listening session I usually prefer to listen to LP’s that I do find to sound superior. 


Today I spent some time comparing AMHD and Quboz. Initially, Quboz sounded better but that's because it's significantly louder. Equalizing loudness on my db meter, Amazon is more transparent. Listening to reverb tails, cymbal and bell ring out, and bass solos, Amazon was more clear and focused.

Just another opinion to throw in the ring.