Advice on Integrated Receiver

I currently have two Monitor Audio Silver 300s.  I have a Cambridge Audio CAX81 (80w/ch).  After reading the reviews, the speakers sound a bit underwhelming.  I have a Rega P6 turntable hooked up for most of the audio content.  In looking at the Max Wattage for the speakers I realize perhaps the amplifier isn't letting them breathe enough?

The speakers are rated at 200w max with recommended 80-200w RMS.   Am I way off base in thinking I'm underpowering these?

What integrated receiver would you recommend to really drive these?  Budget under $5k


Musical Fidelity A1008 has been sitting for a while on AudioMart. It’s lowered to 1k and it needs to sell at that cost cause that is an absolute steal! Spend the other 4K on speakers and you will have a kick a.s system. Even the phone preamp and dac are descent on it although not totl. 

you have fine speakers

the issue is your amplifier

we were a cambridge dealer 

you have a classic sonic mis match

the cambridge is a clean slightly dry sounding 

you need a better sounding amplifier

we would  often start with a cambridge amplifier

then show how a warner hybrid amplifier would create a more musical sound


Dave and troy

aAudio intellect NJ





As above, consider a more Musical and powerful Amp.


Happy Listening!