UP-OCC solid core copper for speaker cable

After reading about all these expensive cables and their extravagant claims, I decided to source the same wire that goes into many of them.

I have my monoblocs underneath and therefore close to the speakers. I ordered 8 feet of 14awg UP-OCC wire (with PTFE insulation) online. It is quite springy so I clamped it gently to the bench and cut it into 4 equal lengths. Assembling it into 2 x 24" speaker cables took a few minutes. I kept it running in the same direction, just in case. Be careful to gently slice the insulation and not to scar the copper.

Anyway, the improvement in sound quality was of a high order. Large increases in speed and transparency, more air, better definition of instruments, less coloration, backing voices I never noticed before etc. The improvement in musicality was impressive.

I urge folks to try this before spending lots of money on speaker cables. I don't bother with connectors as I feel they are another item in the way but that's your call. The wire was $6 a foot.

Available here:http://www.partsconnexion.com/wire_hookup_neotech_copper_teflon.html

See a photo of my cable here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6iot28p0weuwytn/up-occ.jpg?dl=0


MIT does not use OCC single crystal wire I was on their website nor does it say anywhere that they use OCC single Crystal conductors, if they did it would be stated on their website they're probably using cheap junk ofc like transparent does and charge an arm and a leg for it, there's even something better out there now it's rectangular OCC single Crystal conductors and the Neotech is the only company that makes it, Superior to even the round OCC wire is check out their website and click on rectangular wire, the Amazon is there rectangular silver OCC wire and the Sahara is their rectangular copper OCC wire. I got the Sahara and I can tell you first hand it's much better than my round OCC speaker wire and interconnects and I was using the top stuff from Harmonic technology.


there's one thing Stephen Huang made a mistake in that interview that you put up, audioquest does not use OCC single crystal wire, I was on their website they use long grain Crystal which is an ofc wire and in their white paper it says that it has 300 Crystal barriers per foot nowhere on their website do they state that they're using OCC single Crystal conductors.


Can you provide a link for that on Amazon? I looked and couldn't find it. Thanks.


wp.neotechcables.com, then click on the three lines in the top right hand corner and then click on rectangular cables the Amazon is the silver rectangular OCC and the Sahara is the copper rectangular OCC wire, I got the Sahara speaker wire and interconnects and it's far superior to my round OCC from Harmonic technology and I was using their top of the line pro nine SE speaker wire and magic ll interconnects, this rectangular stuff is a real game changer, I talked to the distributor here in Canada for Neotech and he told me that one of his retailers put the Amazon up against an $18,000 wire that he was also selling and that the Amazon was better for half the price $9,000 US is still a lot of money but all I can tell you is this rectangular stuff is amazing,far superior than anything ofc at any price on the market that companies like transparent  are charging an arm and leg for crappy ofc conductors, just so you know Neotech supplies pretty much all the companies that are using OCC single crystal wire with their conductors.



if you want the retail prices I can give them to you because I have them.