Goodbye CD's

Seems that Borders by me is unloading all their cd's..They claim they are just not selling...Im sure this is just the beginning of the end in the retail stores for cd's...can it long before cd's are gone completely? Many Ive spoken with including some dealers have mentioned this and said "the writing is on the wall" for cd playback..

I have been on the fence about going to a file data system for music, and have been eyeing a Squeezebox duet and setting up my hard drive to take the plunge..maybe now its that time??

Or..maybe just Im just a geezer in my heart of hearts and should just look for old and new Vinyl to keep me going...hmmm..I could be very happy with a mainly vinyl set up ;-)
I would suggest to anyone new to this hobby to move towards an HD based music system from the start. For someone that already has a nice CD player..I would enjoy it for what it is, but slowly transition over to the HD based system as well.

Chances are once you cross that threshold you most likely won't be going back. The convenience is just unbeatable.

Being able to hear a recording on your system before you ever buy it is a god send for me. I've been bit several times listening in the store with headphones only to find the recording terrible at home. Over dubbing and too much compression just kills otherwise good music.
That's good with me. If I can buy hi res downloads I'm all for it. Cd players will continue to be produced and improved for many years to come, just like turntables.

According to Nielsen SoundScan, of total album sales for 2007:
vinyl makes up about 0.2%
digital downloads are 10%
cds are 89.7%

If turntables continue to be produced with 0.2% of the market I think we'll see new cd players for a while.
I heard on the radio yesterday that Archive's CD sales were up 30% last year. I'm guessing CD sales on classical will have some staying power, since classical sales in the US and Europe are still holding up well.

On the other hand, it appears that little sister is moving to MP3 to play her fuzzy warbles.

The same thing was said about vinyl in the 1980s.

Meanwhile, I sure wish CD prices would come down!!

Currently I have 5 CD's coming to me from various mail-order sevices. I rec'd a 40% discount coupon from Borders so I went in yesterday to pick up the new Pat Metheny (Amazing!!) and was surprised to see the CD section severely reduced, and the racks they did have were 1/2 empty! The writing's on the wall, retail CD sales is gasping it's last breaths right now. Now if the mail-order services start to slip, THAN we've got a problem!!