Getting back into venal with a $2,000 budget.

Targeting $1,500 for TT and $500 for phono preamp. Current 2 channel set up is made up of all ARCAM FMJ, C31 preamp, 2 P1 power amps, CD36 CD player and Energy Veritas V2.4 floorstanding speakers.

Considering used Marantz TT 15S1 with Clearaudio Virtuoso Ebony Wood cartridge, Butcher Block Acoustics Audio Isolation Platform and dust cover all for $1,100. Or New Rega Planer 3 with Exact 2 cartridge for $1,395. The phono preamps I’m considering are Parasound Zphono XRM or Rega Fono MM Mk5.

Also open to other suggestions that would be in the $2,000 price range. 

Sorry about “Venal” should obviously be “Vinyl”. My iPad and stylus don’t always play nice and work against me sometimes.  Lol


While I’m a huge fan of Technics DD, I kind of like your option of the used Marantz. That particular model uses an AC synchronous motor so there won’t be any speed issues that are so common on the non-servo DC motor decks from Clearaudio, as long as the motor pulley is sufficiently secure. Also, the Satisfy tonearm is fine as well as the high-output Virtuoso Wood MM cartridge. 
Replacement styli are easily available from LP gear as any Audio Technica AT95 (pre VM) stylus (preferably MicroLine) with a recommended VTF of 2 grams can be easily cut up and inserted into the Virtuoso Wood as a replacement - just look for videos on YouTube for instructions.

Consider the $900 Sutherland KC Vibe as the matching phono stage to nail your $2k limit. 

@rar1, I typically always buy new, only considering the Marantz as it looks brand new, and unused.  I did look into the 1500c and may have to review it again.  Trying to get best bang for the buck at $2,000 budget.  Didn’t want to spend less now then upgrade and spend even more later.  It sounds like the 1500c is well built and worth another look.  

@yogiboy, 👍on the whatahifi review.


@boothroyd, I’ll have to check out the Sutherland kc vibe.  Not nocking Sutherland or any other manufacture but I am always amazed at some of the prices they charge for what’s inside the box.  

"Sorry about “Venal” should obviously be “Vinyl”. My iPad and stylus don’t always play nice and work against me sometimes.  Lol"


Maybe it's not.....You might consider that your iPad is working as a Ouji Board.  Look up the definition of Venal.  Just sayin. Lol