Don Sachs Owners Thread

A place to discuss amps, preamps, and phono stages from Don Sachs. 


I just purchased a like new D2 linestage. It has 2 gain controls, 64 step volume control, and digital volume readout. It is set up for the new rectifier. This is my first 6sn7 based linestage. It came with Ken-Rad Vt 231and gray RCA tubes. There are 3 rectifier tubes. A huge Philco 6BY5G, a Tung-Sol 6BY5G, and a Bendix 5852. There is also an Ice Age Audio power cord. With 2 different sounding outputs there are a lot of options. I need to find out what value the output caps are. I have the D2 connected at the moment to a VTL ST150. Input impedance is 125K and 2v in for maximum gain. 

I placed the RCA tubes in left front and rear and Ken-Rad in the right. Used Philco rectifier. Plugged VTL amp into output 1. The brightest sounding preamp I've ever heard. It was comical, bass drums sounded more like cymbals. Output 2 sounds like normal music. This surprises me. With 125K input, I thought there would be no problem getting bass response. 

Some questions.

1. Are the 6Sn7's in the right locations? I guessed by looking at the sellers photograph.

2. Is the Ice Age Audio the AC cord the brand Don offers as an option? 

3. I'll audition all 3 but which rectifier would be considered tops?

The linestage sounds amazing. 




Just acquired a DS pre with the rare HT bypass feature that I need for my setup.  Didn’t think I would one with the HT bypass so Christmas came early for me.  Very easy to enjoy this hobby with a wife that supports and also enjoys music as much as I do. 

I’m not sure what tubes are installed since I couldn’t make out but the previous owner thinks they are the Shunguang that Don ships.  The rectifier is a Sylvania. I have my Threshold 350e in output 1 and sub in output 2.  Not sure if I need to switch them around but I think it sounds good in this config.  I have the gain on both channels full throttle since Don’s instructions says that’s how he runs his pre and it makes it easier so need to count the clicks. 

Compared to my Placette passive pre (w/ht bypass) that I’ve had for 15yrs, the DS is definitely a qualitative upgrade in all areas.  Transparency, imaging, micro-detail, bass.  All the sonics of the Placette are still there but improved.  I was expecting better imaging but with the DS it had me realize how “loose” the imaging was with the Placette. 

I may try different tubes in the left sockets but am really enjoying right now.  Almost 2hrs since I turned on and it just keeps getting better.   The one thing I will be upgrading is the power cord.  Previous owner gave me a generic cord and on Don’s site he has a power cord for $89 and improves the ore by 20%.  Sounds like a no brainer. 

I’ll report back how the audio progresses but I don’t think I will be upgrading for another 10yrs or so. 

You should ask Don if your preamp has ODAM capacitors. If not you haven't heard anything yet.

I definitely will ask him @lous when I get the power cord.  I also need ask him for a screw and wrench for one of the knobs.  One of them fell off and noticed it was missing the screw.  Prior owner didn’t mention this but this is a very easy fix. 

I also like how my casing is in black which I prefer and not silver. 

I may have some set screws if he's on vacation, but finding them may take a miracle. My work area is a disaster area.

Very kind of you.  If I can’t source any, I’ll be sure to reach out to you. 

I’m on my 3rd hour and an improvement just happened where soundstage detail in the back got clearer.