I'm looking to add sub-woofers to my system...

I have speakers that are single-driver, very efficient and have terrific transient response.  My concern is finding reasonably priced smaller subs that have the ability to take input from the amp output and that have fast enough transient response to keep up with my main speakers.  I'm not looking for subterranean bass response.  Just looking to augment from ~50hz down to ~the lower 30hz range.  I have a rather small listening space so the need for physically smaller subs is important.  I'd appreciate anyone with experience, to help me with matching fast subs with fast response speakers...   Thanks !  

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I have some experience, tried 3 subs, none worked really well. SVS, Klipsch and Polk, Klipsch was the worst. My budget was under $500. Maybe there is nothing in that price range that works with 2 monitors (by works I mean doesn't destroy the existing image. I could hear the bass for sure but I wish I didn't

I use an SVS sub in between two JBL L100 Classic speakers.  Made a world of difference for the better in every parameter.  It did not hurt the imaging in the least. You would need to hear it in your own room. SVS has an excellent return policy and they usually have “B stock” available for far less money 

Those two pioneer sub I heard were place correctly, they were good match for the Tekton ps 12  speakers that are being used. I like what I heard from those pioneers than the branded sub cost $2400 .