I've told no-one, despite being repeatedly asked by: my wife, my brother, friends etc
Some prices can easily be researched. Any fool can google the current price of a 3-way ATC speaker (SCM40). But no way am I telling anyone I spent £1500 on a USB cable - I still can't believe it myself, to be honest.
Over a few beers I came perilously close to telling a friend how much I'd spent. He plays in one of the UK's best orchestras and loves his music, though barely has 2 cents to rub together. He said he understands how important music is to me, but I really couldn't rub his nose in my wanton spending.
I justify it by remembering it's a hobby which brings me pleasure and a respite of the soul. Plus, the money I spent (£20k) was inherited, and being slowly eaten by 10% inflation, and flatlined equity markets.
I just wish I could now stop.