@simao - What did you think about it?
What's the oddest thing in your music collection?
For me, it's a CD titled "Kashmir: The Symphonic Led Zeppelin".
Yes, it's Led Zeppelin songs played by The London Philharmonic Orchestra.
It's actually quite interesting, to me anyways. For a review and sampling the music, see:
So, what's the oddballs in your collections?
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- 77 posts total
john denver box set, lots of folk stuff. Its a warm welcome after a napalm death show, or 1349, necromantia, craft, carpathian forest, etc, the 40 min ride home after the show is so nice, donovan, or denver, dylan, jackson browne, aftere 10 min in the car jamming bestial warlust, satanic slaughter ,holy moses, helstar,.. emperor, etc etc,...the welcome next 30 min is usually great, spooky tooth, j denver, CS&N, gordon lightfoot, thin lizzy, ... etc etc.
then home and pop in testament, or primal fear, Wehrmacht , hit shuffle on the iPod before head hits pillow. |
A double cd of Budweiser's "Real Men of Genius" radio commercials featuring Survivor's Dave Bickler singing the silly announcers choices of types of men. Hard to explain if you haven't heard any of these jingles. I'll try to post a link. Pretty funny stuff. Probably early 2000's I'd guess. https://www.google.com/search?q=budweiser+real+men+of+genius&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS984US984&oq=budweisers+real+&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i13i512l3j0i22i30l4j0i15i22i30l2.6413j1j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:ee9514c8,vid:GGKt6ClPQ18 |
- 77 posts total