I can very much appreciate the experience of others. SpeakerDude, yes, the speakers in question are good down low without subs, almost always a 2nd order roll off. All analog from a good converter, usually a Burl. Target for max SPL (for dynamics) is 100 to 110dB SPL.
Mijosten, I appreciate corners are where subs can have the most boundary gain but corners are rarely available in a studio. They are frequently occupied with gear or bass traps. Somewhere along the floor where it meets the wall is usually the best available location, with only 3dB less boost than the corner. Sub arrays are certainly a goal but its extremely rare to have a studio actually allocate the control room space (often living room sized) to implement one. In 25 years I have not seen a single studio example. In live or fixed install, I have seen many examples.
Is this the conflict of the practical vs the theoretical?