@thespeakerdude Ol Chris maybe in for it himself and brought up on fraud, false advertising etc.
We all have to keep in mind that Mr @nano-flo has had run ins with members here at Agon and hung @just_krissy @millercarbon out to dry on a business dealing with his cable goop.
His record speaks for itself.
Good luck proving you have a real room temperature superconductor. When you cannot prove you do, and that you have insufficient data to even claim that, you would be clearly into misrepresentation. I will let the lawyers decide whether it was fraudulent. Given that the whole value of the cable could assumed to be in the alleged superconductor treatment, if it does not have that property, then the value goes to near 0, the purchaser is damaged and the misrepresentation is fraudulent.
It matters not what Gary or Glory or anyone said or did, as you have a money back guarantee as per the original Ebay listing. Claiming that he scraped the goop off? Good luck claiming that he did that or that it would even be possible to insert into an outlet without that happening naturally. Of course, Nano-Flo did not correct another post on here (by another user) where the statement was made that the treatment is permanent. Given Nano-Flo's high involvement in this thread, one could conclude that was tacit acceptance of this statement as fact.