Devore O/96 vs Stenheim Alumine 2

Looking for some high efficient speakers for my secondary listening room / Den.   15' wide by 11' deep by 9'5" tall.  I've always wanted the Devore O/96 speakers but worried that I would have to keep them very close to the front, 6", wall and they are ported on the back.  Probably too big of speakers for the room and should look at the O/93 or baby.  Plug the ports on the O/96?

But we will probably move into a larger home where I would have more space.  

A good friend recommended Stenheim Alumine 2, efficient speakers and ported in the front.  Worried they might be too small if/when we move into a larger home.

Want this room to be a warm sounding room, lots of texture, jazz and female vocalist, low volume levels, vinyl, possibly tubes but maybe low power class A.




Sorry I say mainly used for TV as it's our secondary TV room but for music it would be low volume Jazz, female vocalist and when I find a song I love but sounds terrible on the Wilsons because of the recording I would bring it into this room.  

I can not comment on the Stenheims but if you like the Devore Orangutan sound you should consider the O/93 in that size room. They are not quite as immediately engaging and propulsive as the O/96's but imho are the more neutral and natural speaker that conveys something closer to the recording. I have three tube amps, an ARC Ref 150SE, and ARC Ref 80S and an Ampsandsound Nautilus which put out 150, 80, and 8 (yes, eight) watts respectively and each sound great with the O/93's. 

Make no mistake (as to my op), if I had a much larger room I would get the O/96's. Screw "neutrality", the O/96's flat out boogie! 

@fsonicsmith so if I plan to move in the next few years should I just go with the O/96 now and as I understand it the bass would be a little strong or muddy?  or get O/93 now and then if I move sell them and get something appropriate for that room?

I'd get the right speaker for the room you have now, not some anticipated room that may never happen and if/when it does, may differ from your expectations. If you want the Devore sound, consider the o/baby for that size room. Smaller rear port. Devores are easy to re-sell -- sell them later, if you do move and it doesn't work in the new space. Bear in mind the long lead time for a new pair.

I had Devores that just didn't work in my 12 x 22 room...knew I would eventually move, but didn't want to listen to "off" sound every day until that time. Carpe diem. Stenheims are everything I want, in my current room. YMMV.