Audiophile Switch with Clock?

Hi all,

First time poster…

Very thankful for all the knowledge and support here so thank you in advance for your input.

I have ATT Fibre internet connected to a Nuc via Ethernet cable. The ATT modem/router is about a  10’ run to the Nuc.

ive been trying to educate myself on the value of adding an audiophile swtich with a clock, but have not been able to find my specific situation (using Fibre) discussed. Maybe I missed it.

Either way, what say you? Given my current setup listed in my profile, would adding  such a device yield an audible improvement?

thank you again…


i would say yes, it is worth a try... by the equipment listed you seem to have a high resolution system

Audiophile Ethernet switches are a waste of money.

There’s no logical reason why swapping one Ethernet switch for another would make a sonic difference. Think about it - if there was a difference, that means the data (and by that I mean only the bits that were part of the data payload, not the address headers, etc.) would somehow have changed between your AT&T router and the NUC.

Let’s put it another way - if you’re streaming music, the network packets will make their way through multiple routers and switches to reach your local network. If networking equipment altered data and digital signals were fragile, how could we have reliable transmission of any information at all?

See "It’s time for some hard truth"