Joseph Audio: Perspectives and Pearls

There have been several recent threads that have included both of these speaker. However, much of the discussion has focused on the Perspectives, with a number of positive reviews. I am quite interested in hearing them, but am also seriously considering the far more expensive Pearls as well. 


I am wondering if anyone has done a direct comparison or has upgraded from the Perspectives to the Pearls?  I am specifically interested if the Pearls might overwhelm my room (13 X 18 with 9 foot ceilings) which is not a space dedicated to my system (it's my living room.)

Thanks in advance for your experiences with these two speakers. 


Thanks, gentlemen!  I just ordered these which will now allow me to make a more thoughtful decision about cabling. I am looking at an interesting trial offering from Transparent where you can test drive speaker cables and interconnects. Someone on a different thread who has the same ARC gear shared his findings that Transparent seemed to have the best synergy with ARC. We shall see...

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@prof can you tell us about how long it will take for your perspectives to be upgraded to the Graphene 2 version? And the cost? Might have found an older version at a significant savings.

Re cabling, I am using Silversmith Fidelium with my Perspective2s.  They sound great.  My dealer recommended Transparent ultra bi wire but I haven’t pulled the trigger on that.  I did order biwire connectors from Silversmith.  In my experience, speaker cables can make a large difference.  But I don’t want to drop a few thousand without letting everything settle and getting a sense of the sound with the cables I already have. 

I can't believe you could go wrong with the Perspectives in your sized room, if you like the sound, and I have loved it for a long time, since Pearl I's came out. The Pulsar's, if properly positioned, can give a lot of deep bass joy without a sub as well.

I think the Perspectives will go plenty deep and solid for you in that room. I run 2-1/2 way type speakers like those, albeit with two smaller woofers, and they will get down into the 30s solidly in my 16 x 20 x 10 room.