Innuos Zen Mk2 Upgrade

My Innuos Zen Mk2 recently crashed.  I have returned it to Innuos for repair and the quote is reasonable and I’ve given the okay to fix it.  I also have an option to upgrade it to the Zenith Mk2 for $2500 (no option for mk3 upgrade).  Will I see noticeable improvement in SQ if I were to upgrade?  


@sworksone , +1.

When it comes to digital and streaming, getting the latest iteration (or the previous one, if the price is too dear), is the way to go.


Yeah, not sure what the absolute benefits would be to upgrading to an outdated Zenith Mk2 for $2500 — Egads!!! — but the cynical part of me is saying they’re looking to offload outdated Zeniths they have a hard time otherwise selling any way they can.  Did they not offer you upgrading to a Zen Mk3 that would seem to make a lot more sense?  Or, may that’s just not a viable option given the different parts/architecture?  Sorry you’re having to go thru this — really sucks — but TBH this is the first report I’ve ever read about an Innuos product failing.  Seems very unlucky. 

Thanks for your input Soix.  The Innuos has been rock solid up to now.  And the repair cost is reasonable.  An mk3 upgrade is unavailable on Mk2 units.  The biggest pain is shipping it to Portugal from the US.  I really have enjoyed the zen, however selling it a buying a current zenith may be the way to go, as suggested earlier in this posting.