Rockna Wavelight thoughts?

Rockna's new wavelight looks great at ~$5K, im guessing it sounds similar to the acclaimed big brother wavedream, very little reviews/impressions so far though, anyone have one or plan to order? im looking to try a good R2R. denafrips terminator was just OK in my system. i especially wonder how wavelight performs vs la voce s3 which is a similar price. couldnt find any dealers that would home demo the two. any other suggestions for +/- 5k?

Totally not true audio bytes is the lower end version of Rockna which has better build quality 
I heard them both ,the wave light beats the Audiobytes ,the wave dream blows it 
away, something seriously wrong with that guys setup if he thought audiobytes 
was better ,not happening. Everythung is software based you miss one upgrade 
thst can be major !!

Seriously y'all, you have not learned yet that in this hobby our subjective hearing is as different as the stars in the sky. The obsession about gear has gotten so great that you can no longer enjoy the Music. No matter the cost just like everything else on this planet, it'll never be perfect!

@doctorrob77 I invite you to come listen at our Listening Room in Northern New Jersey and maybe you will change your mind about subjective hearing and how certain gear can be your final choice.  PM me when you are coming to the area.


Happy Listening.