Audiophile Switch with Clock?

Hi all,

First time poster…

Very thankful for all the knowledge and support here so thank you in advance for your input.

I have ATT Fibre internet connected to a Nuc via Ethernet cable. The ATT modem/router is about a  10’ run to the Nuc.

ive been trying to educate myself on the value of adding an audiophile swtich with a clock, but have not been able to find my specific situation (using Fibre) discussed. Maybe I missed it.

Either way, what say you? Given my current setup listed in my profile, would adding  such a device yield an audible improvement?

thank you again…


I appreciate the input. All these items have a return policy. It’s simple enough to plug them in and give them a try - no harm no foul if no improvement.

In other words - please ignore the sane voices in the hobby!

In other words, please ignore the people who are not speaking from actual experience.