SUT - electrical theory and practical experience

Some vinyl users use a SUT to enhance the signal of the MC cartridge so that it can be used in the MM input of a phono stage.  Although I don't understand the theory behind it, I realize that a SUT should be matched individually to a particular cartridge, depending on the internal impedance of the MC, among other things.  

Assuming an appropriately / ideally matched SUT and MC, What are the inherent advantages or disadvantages of inserting a SUT after the MC in the audio chain?  Does the SUT theoretically enhance or degrade the sound quality?  What does the SUT actually do to the sound quality? 



Well, my overall assessment is that there are several commenters who always have a positive contribution to just about every thread that they participate in:  @atmasphere ​​​​@antinn almost always have significantly positive contributions to every thread.  I think @pindac also has a thoughtful, philosophical insight into matters.  I also appreciate others' contributions to the educational aspect of SUT's, as @intactaudio has done.  

On the other extreme, @rauliruegas can occasionally have a positive contribution, but I find most of his posts to be mostly irrelevant to the topic at hand, and mostly just arguing to support his perspective, whether its relevant to the thread or not.  Optimistically, I attribute this to his lack of English comprehension.  Regardless, I wish him the best with his interests, and I hope he can learn to take constructive criticism, and contribute more positively in the future.  

I'm not following this thread too closely at present, because I thought that most of the practical aspects of SUT that I didn't understand was addressed in the links to the Rothwell Audio Products that one commenter ( @larryi ) posted early on, and one other user suggested to visit.  

The details of transient response of SUT's may ultimately prove to be interesting, as @holmz ​​​​@lewm may demonstrate, but at this time, I don't know if it will matter or not, but if those who know more than I do are persuaded that it is relevant, then I would be interested in seeing their hypothesis, methods, data, and conclusion.  

@drbond A well rounded assessment of your created thread to date, and I do agree the Rothwell Info' provided, has been very valuable entry, as well as, a very worthy point of reference to be found within this thread. It assisted with your own requests for further information and certainly will assist to others as well. 

I also feel @mulveling has offered a useful input to those showing interest, and looking to gather a understanding of the usage of the SUT as a Device. 

The Rothwell Info' certainly presents in a manner where the information is approachable by multiple individuals (where like yourself ) have a developing interest in the subject matter. I have also been pointed to this Rothwell Info' in the past, by a very adept EE who designs and builds. With this Info' on offer from Rothwell being suggested to be visited, I can only presume it has a content that lens itself to being accepted on this section of Electronics.

In your most recent post, the last paragraph, is the area where this thread has caused a concern for myself, and the one that is the encouragement that has prompted me to avoid the evolving discussion. 

This attitude to avoid, is due to the fact the countering from differing parties to the developing discussion evolving, is already convincing enough to suggest the Thread is now on a route of Conjecture/Theory and the outcome will be as far from a Theorem as can possibly be. There is nothing seen to substantiate the avenue of investigation as having a end result that can be relied upon.

I have no desire to see inaccuracies spewed out, that are already evolving into a topic that is quite confusing, especially to how the value of the extension of the subject will be beneficial to anybody if loaded with inaccuracies, as the counter presentations are highlighting. It does seem a contribution is supported by outsourced information, as means to help substantiate the meaning within the post. There is nothing being presented to stimulate a desire to learn more, as the endeavour is seemingly to come to nothing.  

Questionable content, is only going to achieve one outcome, which will be to taint a very good thread, especially one that in my view, serves as a reference point for the future to others.

Theorem, Theory, Conjecture, Ideas. I know which I am leaning toward as the foundation of the majority of posts in the last few pages of discussion in this thread.       

n your most recent post, the last paragraph, is the area where this thread has caused a concern for myself, and the one that is the encouragement that has prompted me to avoid the evolving discussion. 

This attitude to avoid, is due to the fact the countering from differing parties to the developing discussion evolving, is already convincing enough to suggest the Thread is now on a route of Conjecture/Theory and the outcome will be as far from a Theorem as can possibly be. There is nothing seen to substantiate the avenue of investigation as having a end result that can be relied upon.

@pindac I am only trying to find a way to load the cart for my 1:4 SUT.
So that CBS square wave record may be helpful..or maybe not… I’ll find out.

But I do admit that I like to know what, say, a SUT is doing… like on a plot…
If it helps me to get it loaded right, then all is good. And if not then I will also know that.


In any case, I wish everyone on the thread from @drbond OP right through to your last post, a happy holiday season.
Felix Navidad

Holmz, you ought to visit the Jensen Transformer website. There you will find erudite discussion with schematics and other data regarding how to load a SUT. Plus the engineers there are nice guys who might help with your specific questions, if you call them in California.