@walkenfan2013 It can be inexpensive and simple, and open up a huge range of music. For me it is complementary to LPs - streaming is the most amazing resource for discovering new music
Use Roon off an old MacBook. MacBook connects to your existing DAC. If you need a DAC, try an iFi Zen for low-cost start up. Roon is easy to use.
(Or, even simpler, just buy a BlueSound node and connect to your system)
Either way, you should be up and running in about 15 minutes and for a few hundred dollars - no more. Start there and see where your ears lead you over time
Don’t overthink it! You could be up and running this afternoon!
All these solutions can be controlled using an iPhone or iPad, from wherever you sit when you listen
The only regret is to have waited to long to do something that was so enjoyable and transformational in my exploration of music (I now use Roon / MacBook / Benchmark DAC, which I love)
I save my LP budget for the music that is the most special to me
Let us know what you decide, and enjoy!
PS - the above not in contradiction to those who deeply enjoy vinyl (as I do) or have complex streaming solutions - I am simply offering an inexpensive and convenient path for an entry into streaming that, for me, was simple and totally enjoyable. You can follow your ears from there. I’ve wound up with two parallel paths in my system - Vinyl or streaming -> pre -> tube amp for vinyl or SS amp for streaming -> speakers. I just like that setup, others will have different tastes