Dear @lewm : "" except everyone equates tracking angle error (the degrees by which the cantilever is not tangent to the groove) with “distortion”. ""
Everyone but you? then you are just wrong. Which's your take?
I give you these measured examples in a 250mm EL pivoted tonearm Löfgren A IEC where is clear that as tracking error goes down as traking distortion goes down too as the cartridge is aproaching a null point or goes higher as the cartridge goes away of a null point:
at 66mm groove radius tracking error is zero and tracking distortion is 0.0001%
at 70mm tracking error is -0.359 and tracking distortion is 0.256%
at 90mm tracking error is -1.014 and tracking distortion ism 0.563%
at 115mm tracking error is -0.310 and tracking distortion is 0.135%
The measures was made at each mm and has a linear relationship between both calculated parameters.