There is no such thing as a studio monitor. All speakers are just wooden boxes. The question is how the damn thing has been tuned. Studio monitors are tuned FLAT. Audiophile speakers have a downward tilt. End of story. As a result of this, so called studio monitors sound harsh. Audiophile speakers are much more accurate and true, as they are tuned more correctly. Studio monitors were designed by people that dont understand how sound works. It goes back to an age old debate that began in the 70s regarding the shape of the curve. There have been many ideas about the perfect shape. There is ruler flat, BBC dip, or other custom curves.
Studio engineers and audiophiles are two different things. Audiophiles care about achieving the most realistic sound whereas audio engineers just want a flat speaker. Speakers marketed as studio monitors dont have lower distortion that is a myth. They do sound cold and analytical that is correct.