Compare Bob Carver Black Magic 25 and Rogue Stereo 100?

Can anyone help me decide which tube may sound better, a -  Bob Carver Black Magic 25 or Rogue Stereo 100?  I will match either/or to :Martin Logan 20i.  Carver is new but only 20wpc. Rogue is used but 100wpc.  Both are online so no way to audition.  Thank you all for suggestions.  


@holmz  the class D isn't a sure bet either and saying it's better than the rogue or carver is just speculation also.

OP, are you based in the U.S.? 

TMR has a few used Rogue Stereo 100 amps available today with a money back guarantee, and Carver also offers 30 day trials.

Trying at home yourself would yield the best results if possible.

No doubt - be prepared to buy and return, or buy used gear you can resell for low loss. Used Rogue gear generally has good resale value. It's best to get two amps in at once and compare yourself over several days (at least). I can tell you an EL84 amp will sound very different from that Rogue 100!

I bought one Black Magic 25 for my kef blade 2 & it sounded so moist I bought another to go mono. If these can make blades sing & dance they’ll kick arse on most rigs.

Anyone want more of the real deal skinny, dm me.

As to the ’practically microscopic’ transformers comment: not just wrong but ignorant.

holmz the class D isn’t a sure bet either and saying it’s better than the rogue or carver is just speculation also

True @invalid - but a $70 mistake is easier pill to swallow than a half attempt at a good amp. (And the OP is also spectulating and claimed to have not heard either amp… so what is another speculation on top of the 1st two?)

When I ordered one I was pretty sure I would be sending it back.
I actually ordered a Topping PA-5 as well.
The Topping was hissing like a snake, and the Aiyima was surprisingly good.
So the Topping went back to Amazon.

My tube amps sound better, but it was certainly solid in the $70 range, and I expected to use it in the interim until I figure out the HT.
But I’ll likely stick with it as the video part is distracting and the sound is pretty good.

Anyhow the point is that I also have been looking at multi thousand $ amps, and I would be wiling loose a $70 bet a lot easier than a $1000 bet.

This is good advice from @lpretiring :


OP, are you based in the U.S.?

TMR has a few used Rogue Stereo 100 amps available today with a money back guarantee, and Carver also offers 30 day trials.

Trying at home yourself would yield the best results if possible.

I would be trying the Rogue way ahead of a Carver.
And some Class-Ds ahead of the Carver.