According to discussions Ive read, Pro audio users do not want their speakers to sound good. If they sound good they are regarded as colored...They want their speakers to be accurate. As a result of this market need, the studio monitor industry was created in order to satisfy these needs. So these studio monitors are not designed by audiophiles or music lovers. They are done by engineers who have no understanding of music. They rely on measurements to guide their design along with user feedback, But since the studio pros themselves are not audiophiles, it is a case of the blind leading the blind.
The first key statement in this, and is endemic of all of @kenjit posts is the part of “According to discussions I’ve read…”. That’s pretty much all ya need to know. Why? Because according to kenjit all speakers are trash and are fatally flawed. Note, he NEVER lists components in his own system. Why? Because that would pin him down and hold him accountable for his own ridiculous statements. As for the rest of this absurd statement I’m not even gonna waste my time. He’s trying to infer speakers are only constructed by engineers OR audiophiles, and I think that’s silly because all speaker designers are ,of necessity, both. If u guys wanna continue to read more of kenjit’s backfilling and circular reasoning go ahead but I’m done. Anything else he says from here you can reference my earlier retorts and see why they’re complete BS, but I refuse to waste anymore of my time on this. Someone else can retort and state kenjit’s obvious contradictions. Good luck with that, and Peace Out and Happy Hollidays to all. Yes, even kenjit.