Windows PC to USB DAC. How do you do it ?

I am in the process of trying to integrate my laptop computer into my audio system and was planning on purchasing a DAC with a USB input. However, I am not sure how I get a digital stream of data out of my computer, more specifically, using Window Media Player which is what I have used for my music handling on my pc. I have heard I need to buy a sound card for my laptop, but I cant seem to get more information, nor, how I would still direct the music from WMP to the sound card.
Any help greatly appreciated !
Check out a Hagerman Chime USB DAC. If you like tube quality, then the Chime is at the top of the list. If you do decide to go usb, I would suggest for you to order a Revelation Audio USB cable. This usb cable is the best on the market and sells for $369.

Good Luck

David Picarsic
I have to tentatively agree on the $369 USB cable being absurd. It's transferring a digital file from one digital domain device (computer) to another digital domain device (DAC). The file either transfers correctly or it doesn't - you aren't dealing with analog signal purity issues. Other than know issues with distance in USB (about 15 feet you begin to get signal strength issues), how is a $369 cable better than a $5 one?

I'm honestly curious about this.
Shazam, if you're curious about how a better usb cable makes a difference, then do a trial on different quality usb cables. Why do people spend big bucks on quality pc's, digital cables, speaker cables, and ic's? Because they make a difference. My ic's are stealth indra's and the only ic's I know that can do better is the jorma design. All the audio cables that I have purchase and tested are done through my stax srm-007tII/4070 cans w/accuphase ps-500v line conditioner along with a Lamm LL2 deluxe preamp w/1950's mullard tubes. With this system, I can tell a difference in pc's, ic's and last and not least usb cables. To really see a difference in the quality of cables, you will need a highend quality system. If you have audio gear that is rated medium quality such as having audio gear like Nuforce, and MHDT Labs, then quality usb cable may not make a difference. Good Day!