Best upgrade for SGC servers; LPS vs network switch

I am running a SGC sonic transporters i5 with a Bricasti M5 streamer and M3 Dac.

Thinking of trying to upgrade the sound a bit.  I wonder what is the most cost effective way; linear power supply vs network switch vs the optical unit from SGC.

Any thoughts?


Optical FMC package from SGC made a pretty significant impact for me and my Roon end point. Wish I had done this years ago had I known.

Is the optical package dry or thin sounding?  I have seen some posts suggesting such.

Not sure about their setups that claim thin sound, or what optical they are using. 

I am using this setup based on feedback here and at WBF. I have Innuos Zenith Mk3 with LessLoss Echo's End Dac with LL Fire Wire 640X. No this sound here also has a LPS for the Optical Converters.