Best upgrade for SGC servers; LPS vs network switch

I am running a SGC sonic transporters i5 with a Bricasti M5 streamer and M3 Dac.

Thinking of trying to upgrade the sound a bit.  I wonder what is the most cost effective way; linear power supply vs network switch vs the optical unit from SGC.

Any thoughts?


Hello @mdrone,  I was concerned with the thin or lean comments on the fibre conversions, as well as adding two more power supplies.

I went with a M12 switch and Optimo 3 power supply, both from JCAT.

Stunning improvement.  The switch can be placed just in front of the streamer, or for me I needed it between my modem, Nucleus, and Supra cat 8 runs to each audio room.

optical in my system does not sound lean at all, very rich relaxed sound, detail presented very well, not forced - cleaning up digital nasties improves midbass and bass in my experience

I hadn’t heard that about the optical package being dry or thin - I would’ve been hesitant as well. Agree with the above - relaxed and rich sounding. My experience as well in addition to much less noise which was plaguing my system. 

For those experiencing thin or dry SQ from optical I too have experienced this. The issue may arise in some systems due to incompatibility with generic FMC and/or SMPS or lesser quality LPS. Upgrading to Sonore OpticalModules with nice LPS will solve this issue.



And then we have optimizing of these modules or any optical converter or device, this


I just purchased the two reference grade Constellation cables with the Finisar enterprise grade optical transceivers.  These will install into Sonore OM and OR, I'll soon discover the efficacy of these!

Yep, the JCAT items all top flight products, using Optimo S ATX LPS on my custom build streamer, $6k, provides three rails all with 30amp capability, major, major contributor to awesome streaming.


Also, see Michael Lavorgna of Twittering Machines review of Sonore Signature Rendu   Quite the opposite of thin and dry. 


I'm of a view we are still in discovery phase of network optimization, new products coming out all the time.