Should I match powercords

I hope this isn't too dumb, but is it important to use the same/similar power cords with a cdp and its power supply? I have a Modwright 9100ES and am currently running an old (pre Helix) Shunyata Python VX into the power supply. Would I be best advised to buy another Python or should I just get the best PC I can afford for the cdp? Both will be plugged into a Walker Velocitor with a Silent Source PC running to the wall outlet. I'm also concerned about mixing different AC treatments - Power supply Bybee filters, Shunyata VX material, and Velocitor whatever it uses. I'll gratefully receive any well intentioned advice or suggestions.
I like Blindjim's theory.---I would guess just about all cable makers or sellers might rec. you should use/buy their cables in every iec-'hole'. But somehow I think that's just salesmenship.
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Thank you everybody. My system is already sounding a little soft so I'm sure you're right Blindjim, another VX would be too much. Thanks for the heads-up on the Dominus Ferrox Tvad, I'll look into them.
