DCS P8i direct to pwr amps sound quality.

Anyone here using the DCS P8i directly to power amps with great results and how does the player stack up with the likes of Audio Aero Capitole mk-2 on redbook replay?. Any feedbacks appriciated.
Hi Lenny,
Thanks for the assurance of the P8i. Do you use any kind of isolation feet under the player since they are not supplied.


I use Herbies Footers but really haven't tried with/without - I just use them anywhere and they seem to help. FYI, though the P8i was a little edgy new, after running in, with good CDs there is nothing at all harsh about it in any mode. If the cd is not so well done it doesn't mask that if your downstream gear is similarly inclined.

No I don't. My equipment is on a Gran Prix Audio Monaco rack which provides the system's mechanical isolation.
I love the player...it's hardly broken in yet and sounding great already. I do like the filter change facility and they do make a difference. Personally like filter 2 & 3 for different music, Vocals with filter 3 and accustics with filter 2 for more open dynamic sound.
Only things I dislike about the player are:
1: track changing is slow via the numbers buttons and too sensitive via "forward > button".
2: very tight and impossible fit for a aftermarket power cord. I use a wattgate.

Overall, Im happy with the player. Cd now sounds like SACD.
