"Is a basic difference between the Empirical and Cullen mods is that in the Empirical mod the reclocker is an external unit (pace-car), where in the Cullen mod the reclocker is a board which replaces a board inside the ZP-80?"
No, there is HUGE difference between the Cullen reclocker and my Pace-Car. The Cullen is an asynchronous sample-rate converter (ASRC) with a better oscillator than the stock Sonos. This is just like an upsampling DAC or a Monarchy DIP. It will improve the jitter by resampling the data, but nothing like the Pace-Car, which does not change the data.
The Pace-Car is a true reclocker with a FIFO memory that is clocked by a Superclock4. It offers superior isolation, jitter rejection and superior clock. It does not resample the data stream like the Cullen reclocker. The Pace-Car also has a separate power supply from the Sonos and many voltage regulators. It contains probably 30X the parts count as the Cullen board, even more parts than a typical DAC. This is a very complex circuit and designed to test equipment standards, using GHz coaxial cable and connectors. It can also drive I2S input DAC's directly, as well as standard DAC's using S/PDIF or AES/EBU. The jitter levels from the Pace-Car will be lower than ANY CD transport. The Pace-Car was recently compared in a shootout (I was not present) to 2 new Meridian $8K and $14K CD players and there was no contest. The participants told me that the Pace-Car was clearly better at a fraction of the price. I believe it was driven in this case by an Apple TV and an AirPort Express, but can be driven by virtually any PCM digital source.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio