Just a few words of appreciation for a still living artist.

I picked up a compilation of Gordon Lightfoot's greatest hits earlier this year and was blown away by how wonderful his whole catalog is. I grew up in the 70's with the radio on all the time, and of course remembered hearing the handful of his popular songs on the roster as a kid. I never owned any of his albums or considered myself a folk music fan, but hearing the rest of his efforts after having lived my share of life is a true source of pleasure. There really isn't a bad song among them.

So I looked him up, and sure enough he's still kicking at 84. I'm sure there are a few here who've seen him in concert back in the day or in more recent years. Would love to hear any stories or insights you may have. 

Happy Listening



I saw him a couple of months ago in Door County, WI. He was very gracious and funny, and there were many times during which there were very few dry eyes in the house; he's getting up there. He couldn't hit the high notes and his voice didn't have the same booming quality it did back in the day, but I'm very glad I got to see him again.

I saw Gordon Lightfoot in 1982 at Jones Hall in the museum district downtown Houston, beautiful pie shaped seating venue with plush seating that an usher took you to your seat, The show was great, he covered much of his catalog and shared some insight as well. It was a memorable event for me and my wife to be. I bought the tickets knowing his work but wasn't sure my wife would enjoy, she did. same time I bought the GL tickets at Ticketmaster, I bought tickets for Hall and Oates (for her), B.B. King and Bobby Bland with Millie Jackson and Doobie Brothers. Enjoy the music

I saw Gordon Lightfoot in 1982 at Jones Hall in the museum district downtown Houston

I'm going to hear the Houston Symphony Orchestra perform Stravinsky's "The Rite of Spring" there next month.