I have decided to try out the DAC1 in my system. Does anyone have any experience with both versions of the DAC1? I have been told by Benchmark that a few things were changed from DAC1 to DAC1 USB but I find it hard to justify a 30% increase in price especially when I do not plan on actully using the USB option at least for now. Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

My very modest setup:

NAD (5 disc changer)
Stratos Amp
Harbeth 7ES II Speakers
Rotel 1055 (used as peamp, looking to use the DAC1 as a pre and dac)
Chenc -- maybe it's just me, but your post makes no sense. You compared using USB and coax from WHAT and into WHAT? The Cal Audio is better than WHAT?
Drubin,its not you.Its what you get when talk is cheap{Keith Richards}.I'd put the 300 towards a therapist and skip the USB in this CASE...cheers,Bob
The USB is connected to a computer of course. And the same album (ripped lossless into the HD) was used to compare.
INTO A DAC1 of course. Come on, guys. Are you messing with me? So far the only DAC mentioned here is the DAC1 and its USB version.
It just occurred to me I did not put "the" in front of "usb and coax" that might be the reason for losing you.